Uncategorized December 24, 2018
“Warid” is a good mix of the words Water and Arid. In Arabic “warid” – وريد means “inspiration” and literally “vein” (“vena” in italiano). And like veins carry bloods within our bodies, water is carried by rivers. It seemed to me a good title for a (academic) blog.
But, why opening such a blog?
I realised that our activities as researchers, or ealy stage researchers, in my case, is more and more linked to customised and standardised databases (ResearchGate, SCOPUS, Web Of Science and more…).
This is an attempt, to create a personal space useful for sharing thoughts and personal ideas, and (allow me to do it) to bring together all my works, far from customised and standardised catalogs (even if I consider them wery useful to share and monitor research).
Hope you enjoy.