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Peer reviewed papers in international Journals

43. Nigro, M., Penna, D., Baneschi, I., Castelli, G., Dani, A., Menichini, M., Piemontese, L., Trucchi, P., Preti, F., Doveri, M., & Giannecchini, R. (2024). The selection of paired watersheds affects the assessment of wildfire hydrological impacts. Science of The Total Environment941, 173488.

42. Villani, L., Castelli, G., Yimer, E. A., Chawanda, C. J., Nkwasa, A., Van Schaeybroeck, B., Penna, D., van Griensven, A., & Bresci, E. (2024). Impacts of climate change and vegetation response on future aridity in a Mediterranean catchment. Agricultural Water Management299, 108878.

41. Arheimer, B., Cudennec, C., Castellarin, A., Grimaldi, S., Heal, K. V., Lupton, C., Sarkar, A., Tian, F., Kileshye Onema, J.-M., Archfield, S., Blöschl, G., Chaffe, P. L. B., Croke, B. F. W., Dembélé, M., Leong, C., Mijic, A., Mosquera, G. M., Nlend, B., Olusola, A. O., …, Castelli, G., …, Xia, J. (2024). The IAHS Science for Solutions decade, with Hydrology Engaging Local People IN a Global world (HELPING). Hydrological Sciences Journal, 69(11), 1417–1435.

40. Van Der Laan, M., Virtanen, S., Matsuno, Y., Castelli, G., Fayrap, A., Cresswell, R., & Hsieh, M. K. (2024). Ecosystem services of irrigated and controlled drainage agricultural systems: A contemporary global perspective. Irrigation and Drainage, ird.2974.

39. Ait El Kadi, M., Bouchaou, L., Castelli, G., Re, V., Çakmakçı, Y., Bresci, E., & Hssaissone, M. (2024). Multi-aspect assessment of operational fog collection systems: A rural development perspective, insights from the Sidi Ifni project in Morocco. Journal of Arid Environments222, 105174.

38. Mastrolonardo G., Castelli G., Certini G., Maxwald M., Trucchi P., Foderi C.,Errico A., Marra E., & Preti F. (2024). Post-fire erosion and sediment yield in a Mediterranean forest catchment in Italy. International Journal of Sediment Research39 464-477.

37. Villani, L., Castelli, G., Yimer, E. A., Nkwasa, A., Penna, D., van Griensven, A., & Bresci, E. (2024). Exploring adaptive capacities in Mediterranean agriculture: Insights from Central Italy’s Ombrone catchment. Agricultural Systems216, 103903.

36. Piemontese, L., Terzi, S., Di Baldassarre, G., Menestrey Schwieger, D.A., Castelli, G., & Bresci E. (2024). Over-reliance on water infrastructure can hinder climate resilience in pastoral drylands. Nature Climate Change14, 267–274.

35. Biazin, B., Castelli, G., Bresci, E., & Keesstra, S. (2023). Editorial: Advances in soil and water management for dryland areas. Frontiers in Environmental Science11, 1266103.

34. Renzi, N., Villani, L., Haddad, M., Strohmeier, S., el Din, M., Al Widyan, J., Bresci, E., & Castelli, G. (2023). Modeling-based performance assessment of an indigenous macro-catchment water harvesting technique (Marab) in the Jordanian Badia. Land Degradation & Development34(17), 5191-5206.

33. Lucca, E., El Jeitany, J., Castelli, G., Pacetti, T., Bresci, E., Nardi, F., Caporali, E. (2023) A review of Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems Nexus research in the Mediterranean: evolution, gaps and applications. Environmental Research Letters, 18 083001.

32. Setti, A., Castelli, G., Villani, L., Ferrise, R. & Bresci, E. (2023) Modelling the impacts of water harvesting and climate change on rainfed maize yields in Senegal. Journal of Agricultural Engineering54(3), 291-302.

31. Vianney Nsabiyumva, J.M., Apollonio, C., Castelli, G., Petroselli, A., Sabir, M., & Preti, F. (2023) Agricultural Practices for Hillslope Erosion Mitigation: A Case Study in Morocco. Water15, 2120.

30. Castelli, G., Cuni Sanchez, A., Mestrallet, A., Montaño, L. C., López de Armentia, T., Salbitano, F., & Bresci, E. (2023). Fog as unconventional water resource: Mapping fog occurrence and fog collection potential for food security in Southern Bolivia. Journal of Arid Environments208, 104884.

29. Piemontese, L., Castelli, G., Limones, N., Grazio, A., & Bresci, E. (2023). Large-scale siting of sand dams: A participatory approach and application in Angolan drylands. Land Degradation & Development34(3), 844–858.

28. Villani, L., Castelli, G., Sambalino, F., Almeida, L. A., & Bresci, E. (2022). Reprint of: Influence of trees on landscape temperature in semi-arid agro-ecosystems of East Africa. Biosystems Engineering223, 209-223.

27. Forzini, E., Piemontese, L., Bresci, E., Barthod, B., Bielser, F., Sylvestre, M., Adhikaril, N., Pun, S., & Castelli, G. (2022). Identification of suitable sites for traditional pokhari water harvesting in mountain rural communities of the Himalaya. Hydrology Research53(11), 1340-1356.

26. Vaglio Laurin, G., Francini, S., Penna, D., Zuecco, G., Chirici, G., Berman, E., Coops, N.C., Castelli, G., Bresci, E., Preti, F., & Valentini, R. (2022). SnowWarp: An open science and open data tool for daily monitoring of snow dynamics. Environmental Modelling & Software156, 105477.

25. Villani, L., Castelli, G., Piemontese, L., Penna, D., & Bresci, E. (2022). Drought risk assessment in Mediterranean agricultural watersheds: A case study in Central Italy. Agricultural Water Management271, 107748.

24. Castelli, G., Piemontese, L., Quinn, R., Aerts, J., Elsner, P., Ertsen, M., Hussey, S., Filho, W. L., Limones, N., Mpofu, B., Neufeld, D. G., Ngugi, K., Ngwenya, N., Parker, A., Ryan, C., de Trincheria, J., Villani, L., Eisma, J., & Bresci, E. (2022). Sand dams for sustainable water management: Challenges and future opportunities. Science of The Total Environment, 838, 156126.

23. Pacetti, T., Cioli, S., Castelli, G., Bresci, E., Pampaloni, M., Pileggi, T., & Caporali, E. (2022). Planning Nature Based Solutions against urban pluvial flooding in heritage cities: A spatial multi criteria approach for the city of Florence (Italy). Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies41, 101081.

22. Msume, A. P., Mwale, F. D., & Castelli, G. (2022). Inventory and drivers of the adoption of flood-based farming systems in South-Eastern Africa: Insights from Malawi. Irrigation and Drainage71(2), 521-533.

21. Villani, L., Castelli, G., Sambalino, F., Almeida, L. A., & Bresci, E. (2021). Influence of trees on landscape temperature in semi-arid agro-ecosystems of East Africa. Biosystems Engineering212, 185–199.

20. Pacetti, T., Castelli, G., Schröder, B., Bresci, E., & Caporali, E. (2021). Water Ecosystem Services Footprint of agricultural production in Central Italy. Science of The Total Environment797, 149095.

19. Preti, F., Errico, A., & Castelli, G. (2021). Terraced Landscapes and Hydrological-Geological Hazards: Innovative Approaches and Future Perspectives. Water, 13(13), 1728

18. Laurita, B., Castelli, G., Resta, C., & Bresci, E. (2021). Stakeholder-based water allocation modelling and ecosystem services trade-off analysis: the case of El Carracillo region (Spain). Hydrological Sciences Journal66(5), 777-794.

17. Castelli, G., Oo, W. M., Maggio, A. di, Fellin, L., Re, V., & Bresci, E. (2021). Participatory analysis of sustainable land and water management practices for integrated rural development in Myanmar. Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development, 11(1), 26–36.

16. Bresci, E., Castelli, G., & Ongaro, Lu. (2020). Announcing Changes in the JAEID property and Editorial Board. Journal of Agriculture and Environment for International Development114(2), 5–6.

15. Pacetti, T., Castelli, G., Bresci, E., & Caporali, E. (2020). Water Values : Participatory Water Ecosystem Services Assessment in the Arno River Basin , Italy. Water Resources Management34, 4527–4544.

14. Piemontese, L., Castelli, G., Fetzer, I., Barron, J., Liniger, H., Harari, N., Bresci, E., Jaramillo, F. (2020). Estimating the global potential of water harvesting from successful case studies. Global Environmental Change, 63, 102121.

13. Mesfin, S., Oliveira Almeida, L. A., Yazew, E., Bresci, E., & Castelli, G. (2019). Spatial Variability of Soil Moisture in Newly Implemented Agricultural Bench Terraces in the Ethiopian Plateau. Water, 11, 2134.

12. Castelli, G., Oliveira, L. A. A., Abdelli, F., Dhaou, H., Bresci, E., & Ouessar, M. (2019). Effect of traditional check dams (jessour) on soil and olive trees water status in Tunisia. Science of The Total Environment690, 226-236..

11. Castelli, G., & Bresci, E. (2019). Assessment of Water Harvesting impacts on water conservation by integrating Landsat 7 and CHIRPS datasets in Google Earth Engine platform. Rendiconti Online Società Geologica Italiana48, 47–53.

10. Cantini, F., Castelli, G., Foderi, C., Salazar Garcia, A., López de Armentia, T., Bresci, E., & Salbitano, F. (2019). Evidence-Based Integrated Analysis of Environmental Hazards in Southern Bolivia. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health16(12), 2107.

9. Tucci, G., Parisi, E. I., Castelli, G., Errico, A., Corongiu, M., Sona, G., Bresci, E. & Preti, F. (2019). Multi-Sensor UAV Application for Thermal Analysis on a Dry-Stone Terraced Vineyard in Rural Tuscany Landscape. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information8(2), 87.

8. Castelli, G., Castelli, F., & Bresci, E. (2019). Mesoclimate regulation induced by landscape restoration and water harvesting in agroecosystems of the horn of Africa. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment275, 54–64.

7. Guastini, E., Zuecco, G., Errico, A., Castelli, G., Bresci, E., Preti, F., & Penna, D. (2019). How does streamflow response vary with spatial scale? Analysis of controls in three nested Alpine catchments. Journal of Hydrology570, 705–718.

6. Certini, G., Castelli, G., Bresci, E., Calamini, G., Pierguidi, A., Villegas Paredes, L. N., & Salbitano, F. (2019). Fog collection as a strategy to sequester carbon in drylands. Science of The Total Environment657, 391–400.

5. Castelli, G., Bresci, E., Castelli, F., Hagos, E. Y., & Mehari, A. (2018). A participatory design approach for modernization of spate irrigation systems. Agricultural Water Management210, 286–295.

4. Villani, L., Castelli, G., Hagos, E. Y., & Bresci, E. (2018). Water productivity analysis of sand dams irrigation farming in northern Ethiopia. Journal of Agriculture and Environment for International Development112(1), 139-160.

3. Castelli, G., Foderi, C., Guzman, B. H., Ossoli, L., Kempff, Y., Bresci, E., & Salbitano, F. (2017). Planting waterscapes: Green infrastructures, landscape and hydrological modeling for the future of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia. Forests8(11).

2. Castelli, G., & Bresci, E. (2017). Participatory Rural Appraisal for Diagnostic Analysis of spate irrigation systems in Raya Valley , Ethiopia. Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics118(1), 129–139.

1. Castelli, G., Minelli, A., Tefera, M. L., Bresci, E., Hagos, E. Y., Embaye, T. G., & Sebhatleab, M. (2017). Impacts of Rainwater Harvesting and Rainwater Management on Upstream – Downstream Agricultural Ecosystem Services in Two Catchments of Southern Tigray , Ethiopia. Chemical Engineering Transactions58, 685–690.

Peer reviewed book chapters

8. Bresci, E., & Castelli, G. (2022). La rigenerazione idraulica ed ambientale dell’ambito della Fattoria Medicea. In D. Fanfani & G.A Centauro (Eds.), La Fattoria Medicea di Cascine di Tavola Un: Progetto Integrato di Territorio per la rigenerazione patrimoniale di un paesaggio vivente, pp. 223-236, Firenze: Firenze University Press

7. Bresci, E., & Castelli, G. (2022). Il sistema idraulico come fattore fondativo: criticità e possibilità di recupero. In D. Fanfani & G.A Centauro (Eds.), La Fattoria Medicea di Cascine di Tavola Un: Progetto Integrato di Territorio per la rigenerazione patrimoniale di un paesaggio vivente, pp. 155-159, Firenze: Firenze University Press

6. Bresci, E., & Castelli, G. (2021). Water harvesting in farmlands. In S. Eslamian & F. Eslamian (Eds.), Handbook of Water Harvesting and Conservation: Basic Concepts and Fundamentals (pp. 87–100). Wiley.

5. Guastini, E., Zuecco, G., Castelli, G., Errico, A., Bresci, E., Preti, F., … Penna, D. (2019). Come cambia la risposta idrologica di bacino con l’aumento della scala spaziale? Un esempio in ambito alpino./How does catchment hydrological response change at increasing spatial scale? An Alpine example. In Vv.Aa. (Ed.), Quaderni di Idronomia Montana 36 (pp. 191–200). Edibios.

4. Pacetti, T., Castelli, G., Cecconi, L., Cinelli, B., Dugini, M., Tilli, L., … Bresci, E. (2019). WaterValues: il valore dell’Acqua. In A. Vitale & B. Dendena (Eds.), 10 idee per comunità sostenibili. Buone pratiche per una gestione intelligente della risorsa acqua (pp. 68–74). ISBN: 9780199389414. Retrieved from

3. Forzini, E., Castelli, G., Salbitano, F., & Bresci, E. (2019). Using Google Earth Engine for the analysis of fog and forest landscape interactions in hyper-arid areas of southern Peru. In G. Chirici & M. Giannetto (Eds.), Earth observation advancements in a changing world (pp. 53–56).

2. Socci, P., Errico, A., Castelli, G., Penna, D., & Preti, F. (2019). Terracing: From Agriculture to Multiple Ecosystem Services. In Vv.Aa. (Ed.), Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Environmental Science (pp. 1–33). ISBN: 9788894468717

1. Correggiari, M., Castelli, G., Bresci, E., & Salbitano, F. (2017). Fog Collection and Participatory Approach for Water Management and Local Development: Practical Reflections from Case Studies in the Atacama Drylands BT  – Water and Land Security in Drylands: Response to Climate Change. In M. Ouessar, D. Gabriels, A. Tsunekawa, & S. Evett (Eds.) (pp. 141–158). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Other publications

1. Laurita, B., Castelli, G., Giacomin, A., Salazar, M., Torres, A., Giambastiani, Y., Preti, F., & Bresci, E. (2019). Participatory design of rooftop water harvesting systems for smallholder farmers in the corridor Seco region, Guatemala. JUNCO | Journal of UNiversities and International Development COoperation, 1(2018), 456-465.

Conference talks

34. Castelli, G., Cuni Sanchez, A., Forzini, E., Montaño, L. C., Salbitano, F., Cubero, G., López de Armentia, T., & Bresci, E. History and implementation of fog collection in the Valles Crucenos Region in Bolivia. FULL TALK. International Congress on Innovation in Atmospheric Water Harvesting and Environmental Restoration Techniques – Life Nieblas International Summit. Gran Canaria, Spain, 17-18.10.2024.

33. Castelli, G., Degli Innocenti, E., Pozzolini, S., Bresci, E., Caporali, E. Modelling land use changes impacts on the silting of small agricultural water harvesting reservoirs. FULL TALK. IDRA 2024 – XXXIX Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche. Parma, Italy, 15-18.09.2024.

32. Castelli, G., Dibari, C., Garbati Pegna, F. Bresci, E., Giordani, E. The challenge of training rural development experts in a changing world: the Course in Natural Resources Management for Tropical Rural Development at the University of Florence. VIII Conference of CUCS network (University Coordination for Development Cooperation) – Università e Cooperazione: le sfide contemporanee, Firenze, Italy, 12-14/09/2024.

31. Castelli, G., Degli Innocenti, E., Pozzolini, S., Bresci, E., Caporali, E. Modelling land use changes impacts on the silting of small agricultural water harvesting reservoirs. FULL TALK. AIIA 2024 Mid-term Conference – Biosystems engineering promoting resilience to climate change, Padova, Italy, 17-19.06.2024

30. Olusola, A., Castelli, G., Ceperley, N. HELPING: Co-creating and communicating water solutions in a globally changing world. FULL TALK. European Geoscience Union (EGU) General Assembly 2024, Wien, Austria. Session HS1.3.1, abstract EGU24-4773, 18.04.2024

29. Castelli, G., Degli Innocenti, E., Pozzolini, S., Bresci, E., Caporali, E. Modelling the effect of land use and crop changes on water harvesting agricultural reservoirs. FULL TALK. European Geoscience Union (EGU) General Assembly 2024, Wien, Austria. Session HS5.1.2, abstract EGU24-936, 17.04.2024

28. Renzi, N., Villani, L., Haddad, M., Strohmeier, S., el Din, M., Al Widyan, J., Bresci, E., & Castelli, G. Modeling-based performance assessment of an indigenous macro-catchment water harvesting technique (Marab) in the Jordanian Badia. FULL TALK. Convegno “La ricerca nel settore dell’idraulica agraria, dell’irrigazione e delle sistemazioni idraulico-forestali – Giornate di Studio in onore del Prof. Giuseppe Provenzano”, Palermo, Italy, 4-5/12/2023

27. Castelli, G., Bresci, E., Nsabiyumva, J.M.V., Preti, F. Remote sensing analysis of water harvesting through contour trenches and terraces in Burundi. FULL TALK. Convegno “La ricerca nel settore dell’idraulica agraria, dell’irrigazione e delle sistemazioni idraulico-forestali – Giornate di Studio in onore del Prof. Giuseppe Provenzano”, Palermo, Italy, 4-5/12/2023

26. Forzini, E., Castelli, G., Cuni-Sanchez, A., & Bresci, E. Analysis of fog dynamics in the Namib desert and impacts on natural and artificial fog collection. FULL TALK. Convegno “La ricerca nel settore dell’idraulica agraria, dell’irrigazione e delle sistemazioni idraulico-forestali – Giornate di Studio in onore del Prof. Giuseppe Provenzano”, Palermo, Italy, 4-5/12/2023

25. Castelli, G., Renzi, N., Villani, L., Haddad, M., El-Din, M., Al Widyan, J., Strohmeier, S., & Bresci, E. Modelling macro-catchment water harvesting: the Jordanian Marab for food security in the Middle East. FULL TALK. GEOSUS 2023 – International Workshop on Geography and Sustainability 2023, Bejing and online, 27/10/2023

24. Renzi, N., Villani, L., El-Din, M., Haddad, M., Bresci, E. Strohmeier, S., & Castelli, G. Modeling of Indigenous Marab Water Harvesting Technique in the Jordanian Badia. FULL TALK. European Geoscience Union (EGU) General Assembly 2023, Wien, Austria. Session HS8.3.1, abstract EGU23-2861, 26/04/2023

23. Castelli, G., & Brethaut, C. Understanding the impact of recent crises on the hydropolitics and food security of the Nile River Basin: a discourse analysis. FULL TALK. European Geoscience Union (EGU) General Assembly 2023, Wien, Austria. Session HS5.11, abstract EGU23-1628, 25/04/2023

22. Villani, L., Castelli, G., Piemontese, L., Penna, D., & Bresci, E. (2022). Drought risk assessment of five coastal agricultural watersheds in the Tuscany region. FULL TALK. 5th International Conference EWaS (Efficient Water Systems). Napoli (Italy), 12-15/07/2022

21. Castelli. G., Re, V., Oo, W. M., di Maggio, A., Fellin, L., Bresci, E. (2021). A participatory-based methodology for the selection of sustainable land and water management practices in rural Myanmar. FULL TALK. Delft International Conference on Socio-Hydrology. Online, 06-08/09/2021

20. Laurita, B., Castelli, G., Bresci, E. (2021). Stakeholder-based water conflict modelling and ecosystem services trade-off analysis: the case of Carracillo region (Spain). FULL TALK. Delft International Conference on Socio-Hydrology. Online, 06-08/09/2021

19. Castelli. G., Re, V., Oo, W. M., di Maggio, A., Fellin, L., Bresci, E. (2021). A participatory-based methodology for the selection of sustainable land and water management practices in rural Myanmar. FULL TALK. LASOSU 2021 – International Forum on Land Degradation, Soil Conservation and Sustainable Development. Online, 22-23/08/2021

18. Castelli, G., Mesfin, S., Almeida Oliveira, L.A., Bresci, E., Yazew, E. (2021). Soil Moisture Variability in Newly Implemented Agricultural Bench Terraces in Tigray Region, Ethiopia. FULL TALK. LASOSU 2021 – International Forum on Land Degradation, Soil Conservation and Sustainable Development. Online, 22-23/08/2021

17. Laurita, B., Castelli, G., Bresci, E. (2021). Stakeholder-based water conflict modelling and ecosystem services trade-off analysis: the case of Carracillo region (Spain). FULL TALK. IDRA 2020 – XXXVII Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche. Online, 14-16/06/2021.

16. Castelli, G., Pacetti, T., Bresci, E., Caporali, E. (2020). Water Values: participatory assessment of riverine ecosystem services for sustainable water management in the Arno basin. Erasmus+ Daylighting Rivers Final Conference: Inquiry Based Learning for Civic Ecology. Online, 1-2/12/2020.

15. Castelli, G., Bresci, E., Penna, D., Preti, F. (2020). Remote Sensing advances in agricultural hydraulics and watershed protection. AIIA Webinar on Remote Sensing for land degradation analysis and sustainable management of agroforestry systems. Online, 27/11/2020.

14. Castelli, G., Castelli, F., & Bresci, E. (2020). Meso-climate Regulation Induced by Landscape Restoration and Water Harvesting in Agroecosystems of the Upper Tekeze-Atbara catchment. ESA Earth Observation for Water Cycle Science 2020. Online, 16-19/11/2020

13. Tucci, G., Parisi, E. I., Castelli, G., Errico, A., Corongiu, M., Sona, G., … & Preti, F. (2019). Multi-Sensor UAV Application for Thermal Analysis on a Dry-Stone Terraced Vineyard in Rural Tuscany Landscape FULL TALK. AIIA Mid-Term 2019 “Biosystems Engineering for sustainable agriculture, forestry, and food production” , Matera, Italy, 12-13/10/2019.

12. Castelli, G., Bresci, E., Sambalino, F. & Van Steenbergen, F. (2019) Managing microclimates in agroecosystems: building local resilience with a global perspective. FULL TALK. AIIA Mid-Term 2019 “Biosystems Engineering for sustainable agriculture, forestry, and food production” , Matera, Italy, 12-13/10/2019.

11. Castelli, G., Castelli, F., & Bresci, E. (2019). Mesoclimate regulation induced by landscape restoration and water harvesting in agroecosystems of the horn of Africa. FULL TALK. 4th Open Science Meeting of the Global Land Program, Bern, Switzerland, 24-26/4/2019

10. Pacetti, T., Castelli, G., Cecconi, L.., Cinelli, B., Dugini, M., Tilli, L., Bresci, E., Caporali, E. WATER VALUES: participatory water ecosystem services assessment for watershed management. PICO Talk. European Geoscience Union (EGU) General Assembly 2019, Wien, 7 – 12/4/2019

9.Certini, G., Castelli, G., Bresci, E., Calamini, G., Pierguidi, A., Villegas Paredes, L. N., & Salbitano, F. (2019). Fog collection as a strategy to sequester carbon in drylands. FULL TALK. European Geoscience Union (EGU) General Assembly 2019, Wien, 7 – 12/4/2019

8.Castelli, G., Castelli, F., & Bresci, E. (2019). Mesoclimate regulation induced by landscape restoration and water harvesting in agroecosystems of the horn of Africa. FULL TALK. European Geoscience Union (EGU) General Assembly 2019, Wien, 7 – 12/4/2019

7. Castelli G., Preti F., & Bresci E. Remote sensing monitoring of soil moisture in terraced landscapes: application of OPTRAM methodology in Tuscany region, Italy. IDRA 2018 – XXXVI Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche, Ancona, Italy, 14-16/09/2018.

6. Castelli G., Pacetti T., Mazzanti B., Cecconi L., Tilli L., Caporali E., & Bresci E. Water Values: Participatory Water Ecosystem Services Assessment in the Arno River BasinXIII Convegno Nazionale GIT-SI GIT – Società Geologica Italiana, Sarzana, Italy. 11-13/6/2018

5. Foderi C., Castelli G., Bresci E., & Salbitano F. Looking through the cloud: Google Earth Engine application for Historical land cover change analysis in Bolivian remote areas. XIII Convegno Nazionale GIT-SI GIT – Società Geologica Italiana, Sarzana, Italy. 11-13/6/2018

4. Castelli, G., Pacetti, T., Foderi, C., Castro Magnani, M., Kempff, Y., Caporali, E., Sanchez-Azofeifa, A., Bresci, E., & Salbitano, F. Towards Landscape Ecohydrology: linking historical landscape patterns and ecosystem services provision in Bolivian sub-Andean region. PICO Presentation. European Geoscience Union (EGU) General Assembly 2018, Wien, 9 – 12/4/2018

3. Castelli G., Wiegant D., Sambalino F., Bresci E., & van Steenbergen F. Managing Microclimates: building global resilience with a local perspective. Resilience 2017 – Resilience Frontiers for Global Sustainability, Stockholm, Sweden, 20-23/8/2017

2. Laurita B., Castelli G., Khazal K., & Bresci E., Identifying suitable sites for underground dams using GIS: a case study in North-East Brazil, 11th International AIIA Conference: “Biosystems Engineering addressing the human challenges of the 21st century”, Bari, Italy, 5-8/7/2017

1. Castelli, G., & Bresci, E,Participatory Rural Appraisal for diagnostic analysis of spate irrigation systems. AIIA 2015 International Mid-Term Conference, Napoli, Italy, 22-23/6/2015